Video Types: How To Structure Your Video Strategy
When a brand is creating video content and is struggling to see the full benefit, they’re typically under-thinking their Video Strategy. More specifically, the gamut of video styles and channels available to them.
We can look at the second largest search engine in the world, YouTube, for interesting insight into communicating better with video. In 2014, YouTube developed a content creation strategy that defined three key areas of video content every brand should create.
Hero, Hub and Hygiene.
Before we dive into what each of the terms mean, let’s define the problem: Brands can be putting a huge amount of work into video content creation, but they’re incorrectly weighted to a certain type of content.
Every social media channel needs to be assessed when creating video content as I outlined in Creating Video Content For Social Media.
Whilst Hero, Hub, Hygiene was developed two years before Instagram released Instagram Stories, it couldn’t be more relevant in the fragmented world of social video content.
Hero — the big campaign pieces. They’re impressive, they take time. It could be an original video series or a weekly video show created on your website or YouTube channel.
Hub — it’s more regular and requires less resources than Hero content. It could be a Q and A with your staff posted to IGTV, or a testimonial video from a client.
Hygiene — in our world of being a Video Production Company, this is probably the most overlooked. For many, it’s the easiest video content to create, but regularly forgotten if you’re working on big productions. It’s Instagram Stories of behind the scenes of your brand. Shot on iPhone. No fuss and authentic.
When creating a Video Strategy, it’s not about being everywhere, however, it’s important to understand that each type of video content will create a different connection with your audience.
It’s worth asking: does your Video Strategy reflect the three types of content?
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